Babies' Milestones and Development


The brain of a newborn works at twice the level of an adult brain. From the moment of birth, a newborn is learning about himself or herself, and their environment. As newborns listen to voices and sounds, and focus on the facial expressions of their caregivers, they are learning much about themselves as pathways in the brain are being formed.

  • A newborn baby’s eyes can focus and track on faces and objects that are within eight inches of their face.
  • Newborns can turn their heads in the direction of voices and sounds. Newborns recognize the voices of their caregivers.
  • Newborns have the ability to taste and prefer sweets. They may grimace when their tongue comes in contact with something bitter, sour or salty.
  • A newborn’s sense of touch is normal. They can feel pain, and they respond to how they are being touched.
  • Sucking is a natural instinct in newborns. Many newborns need to have this instinct satisfied, even when not feeding. Many babies need to suck on their hands or a pacifier.
  • A newborn can yawn, sneeze, hiccup, and have a trembling chin or lower lip.
  • Newborns have a sleep cycle of approximately one-two hours, and will sleep between 16 and 20 hours per day.
  • Newborns can grasp things that are placed in their hands.
  • Newborns can startle to sounds and movements, even in their sleep.
  • Babies communicate through crying. Caregivers can quickly come to know what different cries mean as a baby expresses his or her needs

1-3 Months

Physical Milestones of a One to Three Month Old Infant

  • Infants will learn to turn their heads to preferred positions when lying on their stomachs or backs.
  • Infants will be able to hold their chins up when lying on their stomach. By three months most infants will be able to raise their heads and chests off the floor when lying on their stomachs.
  • Infants will learn to roll from side to side by three months.
  • Infants will learn to reach out and swipe at objects that are within their field of view.
  • Infants will start producing tears when they cry.

Learning Milestones of a One to Three Month Old Infant

  • Infants in this age group can readily identify the voices of their caregivers and other family members. They will turn to these voices over other voices they hear.
  • Infants prefer to look at faces over objects, and they become more animated and excited with familiar faces.
  • Infants in this age group will turn their heads to search for a sound they hear in their environment.

Emotional Milestones of a One to Three Month Old Infant

  • Infants come to trust that their needs for nutrition, comfort and closeness will be met.
  • Infants self soothe themselves with sucking.
  • Infants will smile at faces, with special smiles given to those he or she loves.
  • Infants in this age group will start to display their moods through their facial expressions and cries.
  • Infants in this age group will learn to mimic the expressions or facial movements of others. They will also respond to being talked to by excited movements, sounds or facial expressions.

When to Contact the Pediatrician

Contact your child’s pediatrician if your child is showing any of the following signs or conditions:

  • The baby is not responding to sounds or movements.
  • The baby is unable to lift their head when lying on their stomach and he or she is older than three weeks of age.
  • The baby seems to be listless or unenergetic.
  • The baby refuses to feed.

4-7 Months

Physical Milestones of a Four to Seven Month Old Infant

  • Infants will be able to hold an object in their hands and bring it to their mouths. They will eventually learn to pass an object from one hand to the other.
  • Infants will be able to push their heads and shoulders up and rest their weight on their forearms when they are lying on their stomachs.
  • Infants in this age group will start drooling and teething.
  • Infants will learn to roll from back to side, and then they will learn to roll from stomach to back.
  • Infants will learn to pull their feet to their mouth and play or chew on toes.
  • Infants may sit unsupported for a brief period of time.

Learning Milestones of a Four to Seven Month Old Infant

  • Infants in this age group will coo and gurgle and gradually start making consonant sounds. This will be proceeded by the infant’s imitation of sounds.
  • Infants will start reaching out for objects they want and link certain sounds with objects.
  • Infants will explore their mother’s body with their hands.
  • Infants in this age group like looking in the mirror, and they can examine things for longer periods of time.
  • Infants will look down when they drop something.

Emotional Milestones of a Four to Seven Month Old Infant

  • Infants in this age group will start to laugh, soon to be followed with chuckling when excited.
  • Infants tend to not cry as much as before as they have found other ways to communicate their wants and needs.
  • Infants in this age group will fuss and be demanding if they feel their needs are not being met.
  • Infants in this age group will squeal and wiggle excitedly when they are stimulated by caregivers or something they favor.
  • Infants will smile at themselves when they look in the mirror. They will also smile at other babies.
  • By seven months, infants in this age group can hold out their arms when they want to be picked up or hugged.

When to Contact the Pediatrician

You should contact your child’s pediatrician if your child is showing any of the following signs or conditions:

  • Infant does not turn toward sounds or react to bright lights.
  • Infant does not follow caregiver or objects with their eyes.
  • Infant does not smile.
  • Infant is unable to grasp and hold onto an object.
  • Infant does not roll.
  • Infant cannot hold head upright without assistance.
8-12 Months

Physical Milestones of an Eight to Twelve Month Old Infant

  • Infants will be able to sit alone without support.
  • Infants can bang on tables or other surfaces with an object.
  • Infants will start crawling, either with their abdomen on, or off, of the floor.
  • Infants will learn to pull themselves up to a standing position, and eventually stand alone.
  • Infants will learn how to change positions, such as going from lying to sitting.
  • Infants can learn to drink from a cup.

Learning Milestones of an Eight to Twelve Month Old Infant

  • Infants in this age group will begin to make vowel and consonant cooing sounds.
  • Infants may start shouting to get their caregiver’s attention.
  • Older infants may say one syllable words, or a combination of the same syllable, such as “mama” or “dada.”
  • Infants will imitate actions they see, such as holding a spoon or playing with a toy.
  • Infants in this age group may be curious about a toy that is being hidden and start looking for it.
  • Infants will drop things on purpose to see it fall.

Emotional Milestones of an Eight to Twelve Month Old Infant

  • Infants in this age group will start to show fear around individuals they are unfamiliar with.
  • Infants in this age group tend to cry and appear scared when parents leave them with another caregiver.
  • Infants in this age group will laugh more frequently, and show a desire to make parents happy.
  • Infants in this age group may resist going to bed and display their anger when they are unhappy.
  • Infants in this age group may cry when scolded.
  • Infants in this age group will repeat a caregiver’s action during play.

When to Contact a Pediatrician

Contact your child’s pediatrician if your child is showing any of the following signs or conditions:

  • Infant does not seem able to differentiate between family and strangers.
  • Infant does not babble or put together syllables by ten months of age.
  • Infant does not reach out to grasp objects he or she is offered.
  • Infant is unable to stand when he or she is ten months of age.
1 Year of Age

Physical Milestones of a One Year Old

  • Child is more mobile. Child will be able to crawl, then walk.
  • Child is completely weaned soon after their first birthday.
  • Child will be able to hold and drink from a cup.
  • Child will be able to figure out how an object is stuck and how to maneuver it free.
  • Child will be able to stack two or three blocks.
  • Child will show an interest in using a spoon himself or herself.
  • Child is able to keep himself or herself awake. May resist bedtime.

Learning Milestones of a One Year Old

  • Child will become intrigued with animals and may imitate animal sounds.
  • Child listens closely to those around him or her and starts to imitate words.
  • Child will come to know what certain words mean and be able to retrieve objects when asked.
  • Child will be able to follow simple commands.
  • Child will start saying more words.
  • Child becomes more curious about his or her environment.
  • Child can answer questions that have a “yes” or “no” answer.

Emotional Milestones of a One Year Old

  • Child this age will cry when they feel parents or other caregivers are unhappy with them.
  • Child shows an interest in watching adults or older children write. Child may like to have chubby crayons and paper to scribble on.
  • Child is able to display affection to those he or she loves. Can give hugs and kisses upon request.
  • Child is able to display fear or anger at objects or individuals.
  • Child attaches himself or herself to a security object.
  • Child feels more secure when placed on a schedule, or routine.

When to Contact a Pediatrician

Contact your child’s pediatrician if your child is showing any of the following signs or conditions:

  • Child is unable to say a few words by 18 months of age.
  • Child is unable to point at pictures in a book.
  • Child is unresponsive to games such as peek-a-boo, pat a cake.


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