Babies' Milestones and Development
Newborns The brain of a newborn works at twice the level of an adult brain. From the moment of birth, a newborn is learning about himself or herself, and their environment. As newborns listen to voices and sounds, and focus on the facial expressions of their caregivers, they are learning much about themselves as pathways in the brain are being formed. A newborn baby’s eyes can focus and track on faces and objects that are within eight inches of their face. Newborns can turn their heads in the direction of voices and sounds. Newborns recognize the voices of their caregivers. Newborns have the ability to taste and prefer sweets. They may grimace when their tongue comes in contact with something bitter, sour or salty. A newborn’s sense of touch is normal. They can feel pain, and they respond to how they are being touched. Sucking is a natural instinct in newborns. Many newborns need to have this instinct satisfied, even when not feeding. Many babies need to suck on their hands or a p...