Now You're Here

It was around 10 in the morning of July 4, 2008, we are just waiting for Ate Ime (my OB-Gyne) at WCMC with my husband. I still have 2 weeks more before my due date and not expecting anything earlier than that.
Alas! My OB proclaimed....... "You're already 3-4 cm. Do you want to be admitted now or you could go home first then come back around 6:00pm?". We were in shock! I didn't expected that because I didn't felt anything - no labor pains or my water-bag hadn't broke yet.
We went home though I have a room already reserved for the night. My husband went to his office to take care some of things including his leave and announcing that I'm already in my due. My mom-in-law came and I just went to sleep that afternoon. When I woke up, it's already 4:00pm and we're ready to go back to the hospital with everything ready with us. We first said an intense prayer for my safety and a miracle that there would nothing happen to and my baby ( I have an asthma and slight heart problem) before going out. On our way out, we were greeted by neighbors and asked when will my baby is due. They were amazed when my husband told them that we are on our way to the hospital to have my delivery because I was still able to smile (still no labor pains) and as if I'm just going somewhere to have fun.
At the labor room, 6-7 cm later, when my husband handed the nurse the slip that Ate Ime had given us, she looked at me as if having the you-are-not-in-labor-look..... BUT I AM!!!! She directed me onto one of the beds and wired with some monitoring devices, asking me my medical history and records with my OB-Gyne. After that, she then let me wait...................
10:15 pm, 10 cm, anesthesiologist injected something in my IV. it gave me a high feeling and forced me to fall asleep.
*********** memory gap ************
I woke up and first thing I felt was my tummy. Where's my baby??? Feeling a bit hysterical though I wasn't able to because of the drug, I asked the male nurse of what happened but I fell asleep again. The next thing I know, I was rolled into a room and I saw, for the first time, Aizen. He looked at me as if just staring and saying "Hi". Then, I fell asleep again....
I woke up and first thing I felt was my tummy. Where's my baby??? Feeling a bit hysterical though I wasn't able to because of the drug, I asked the male nurse of what happened but I fell asleep again. The next thing I know, I was rolled into a room and I saw, for the first time, Aizen. He looked at me as if just staring and saying "Hi". Then, I fell asleep again....

Mama Fely was there to be with Alfred while I was in the delivery room, Mama Beth and Papa Val came the next morning. Auntie Mercy, Uncle Jhun, Kim, Ate Elsa, Ate Lai, Erika and Donyel came that afternoon. Kat, Mike, John and Leah came too.
I felt exhausted, as I recall, but it was worth it. I am lucky that I didn't felt any of those hard labor pains and such. Really felt blessed and thank God that me and my Baby are alright and went through that experience with flying colors.