
Showing posts from July, 2010

Running for Books, And Also For a New Beginning

“To run or not to run” that is the question ever since my husband came home very late one night with, surprisingly, a paper bag of goodies, or shall I say “freebies”. I knew instantly that it has to do something with his hobby -- running. For quite sometime, my husband kept on talking to our son about running together not realizing that an early age of 2 years, he could already participate, plus, he kept on egging me to participate in one of his races. (FYI, I’m not a sport-buff. Not even trying to exercise. In short, I’m one of those people that fitness instructors would really want to recruit as their career “challenge”). When I said “Okay, we’ll go. Do I have a choice?”, that’s the point where I got curious on what now is the advocacy this run is supporting. Reading the printouts that my husband handed to me, I realized that my sweat could go more than a mile (figuratively). I personally saw a terrible library at our province in Nueva Ecija. And even asked a cousin of mine if she...